From My Heart

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight. – Proverbs 3:5-6 -NIV

Archive for March, 2013

Last evening my husband and I watched a video that was given to us of “The Cross Service”. This is a special service held at First Euless in Euless,Texas. On Good Friday each year, Pastor John Meador brings to life the story of the crucifixion with the construction of a life-size cross. With the sound of the axe hitting at the wood, you are taken back over 2,000 years to the moment when Jesus Christ was tortured and crucified, taking the punishment that should have been ours. Jesus endured this so that we may have a right relationship with God.

I knew/know the story. I’ve been told it many times over. Many years ago I “accepted” Jesus as my saviour. I remember when I saw the movie The Passion of the Christ and how that brought the realization of what was really done for me to light. But then as time went on and life happened I seem to have fallen back into complacently. It’s so much more than a story! It’s truth. Watching the Cross Service last evening once again so vividly reminded me of the torture He endured for my sin and how very much He loves us all. He took on the weight of our sin and our punishment.

I hope I don’t ever become complacent about what was done for me. Like the song says “I’ll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross” I have a good idea but I don’t think I’ll ever understand completely.I do know I am so thankful.